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MacWilliam Associates Established 1993

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Food Safety & Hygiene
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Health and Safety
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Manual Handling
Manual Handling Information (PDF)
Safe System of Work and Safe Lifting
Completed Manual Handling Assessment (Sample) (PDF)
A Brief Guide to the Movement of Loads (Manual Handling) HSE (PDF)
Team Lift Information & Assessment including Video HSE
Further information and documentation from the HSE
Workplace Temperature Safety
Fire Safety
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Working at Height
Ladder Safety Multiple Choice Test
Follow the links below for two short clips on working at height
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Food Safety Training; Food Safety Training; Food Safety Training
Basic Food Hygiene Certificate; Basic Food Hygiene Certificate;
Health and Safety Risk Assessment; Fire Safety Training
Food Hygiene Certificate;
Terms and Conditions
Before downloading our test papers or taking our online tests (exam/quiz) papers please read the following terms and conditions. Any exam papers sent for marking are completed so on the basis that the terms and conditions have been read, understood and accepted The distance learning packs are intended to be a guide and learning aid, not a nationally recognised qualification. The food safety pack and exam contents are thought to be comparable to level two standard. No responsibility can be taken for changes in the content of a level two certificate. Our courses are not part of an accredited body but aimed to be of a similar standard. Our training packages are intended to comply with current legislation but this is no guarantee that they will necessarily be accepted by a local authority (EHO) or fire officer. The information is intended to cover each area of food hygiene and the exam paper is intended to be of similar parity. The fire safety test covers the key areas that employees need to learn although specific training relevant to a particular business or building will be necessary, for example, the sound of the alarm, where the muster point is an emergency procedure. The training covers many key areas although some specific on-site training and information will also be necessary, for instance, a specific fire evacuation, sound of a fire alarm and emergency procedure; names of first aid personnel and individual risk assessments for safety, lifting and carrying, particular chemicals and PPE (this list is not exhaustive)
Materials are free to download and distribute however they remain copyright of MacWilliam Associates and may not be changed without express permission. It is strictly prohibited for any certificate to be awarded from another trainer or awarding body. No liability whatsoever will be accepted for any harm caused by using the training packs, tests or exams. No liability is accepted for any lack of content or errors within the documentation and this must be accepted before downloading anything from this website. MacWilliam Associates are CPD accredited as an organisation not the specific training courses which are taken and all tests are completed with this express knowledge - this includes all online training.
MacWilliam Associates 16 Holly Court Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0HG Tel 01953 603445 tim@macwilliam.co.uk
Exams and tests are provided on the basis of being similar in standard and difficulty to a level two food hygiene certificate in catering. In the case of all other tests they are intended to be of introductory standard. MacWilliam Associates take no responsibility whatsoever for injury or illness caused from information within this exams, tests or associated documents. MacWilliam Associates are CPD accredited as an organisation only, not for specific subjects, and use the CPD logo on any stationary, website or associated certificates on this basis. By completing tests, exams or using information on this website or elsewhere is a strict condition of use.