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Sit Still Timmy! - A Lifetime of Undiagnosed ADHD

Sit Still Timmy Intro AudioArtist Name
00:00 / 04:50

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Below are two short excerpts from chapter nine. 'Living With ADHD and What It Is like For Me'

When I tell people I have been diagnosed with ADHD, they often don’t believe me as they associate it with hyperactive children running around in circles and screaming. The reality is that it could be a relative, a friend or a colleague, or maybe even your own partner who doesn’t necessarily display the classic symptoms of the condition.

I was told that having ADHD is like driving a Ferrari with bicycle brakes. For me, it feels more like I’m driving an automatic car that changes gear when it wants to, it also feels like attempting to complete a challenging jigsaw where additional pieces keep falling from the sky.  

I understand the brakes analogy, particularly when I’m in an environment where I am expected to ‘behave normally’ and at least try to engage with my current surroundings. But, often, I just want to jump, skip and run around, sing or talk nonsense. This juxtaposition can become emotionally tiring for an ADHD brain. However, since my diagnosis, I don’t always feel the necessity to repress these feelings. They are part of me, and it is who I am. I have ADHD, and I’m relieved to know there is a reason for the emotions that rush around my mind and body. I just wish I had known earlier in life that it was OK to be me.


Here is a further paragraph giving a flavour of this chapter -

The kitchen is now entirely filled with steam, and I can no longer see the work surfaces or the windows opposite. There is moisture running down every wall, cupboard, and door. The kettle sitting nearby has been violently boiling away for some time. I manage to unplug the bubbling cauldron at the wall socket moments before it runs dry and trips the entire household electrical system. 

Here is a short sample from one of the more difficult-to-write chapters -

My floundering brain is constantly whirring and never able to focus. It’s like an engine in neutral unable to go anywhere. I feel like I am wading through mud, misunderstood, disliked, paranoid, full of self-loathing, and seriously starting to wonder if I could live much longer with my constantly misfiring brain.  

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